Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Yet Another Hiccup.

No sign of the Travel Approval as of yet and we have past the three month mark since our LOA. Also due to the Trade Show we wanted to avoid and a Chinese Holiday the first part of May we are now looking into the second week of May before getting to travel even if we do get our TA soon.
Gary says he sees this as a blessing, I'm just not sure I agree with him right now. I'll need some time to let it sink in. I do feel like the exciment I should have when the phone rings for our TA is being sucked out of me and I just feel numb instead.



Chris said...

I am so sorry...
This waiting stuff is so hard!!!!

I just checked our time frame *of waiting* for Avery...

We waited 14 weeks to get our TA...
So hang in there, I am sure your TA is just around the corner!!! :)

We also used All God's Children...for both Shea & Avery!!!

You are in good hands!!!

I will keep you in my prayers...

Soon, very soon...
Gavin will be in your arms...forever!!

Julie said...

My prayers are with you. My heart aches to get to our son too. I know how you are feeling right now. I had a really bad day yesterday with the wait. Please know that you are not alone. I know that probably does not help much; but, I will be praying for your peace during this roller coaster of a journey.

BrOwN CiRcUs said...

Hang in there, I just don't even know what to say...I am in shock myself? All I know is that the wait makes the union that much sweeter. I remember being tired of telling the story and people asking when, and I didn't have a solid answer. I think that is the most frustration aspect. I am so impressed with your patience.

MJ said...

I expected yours to come in before ours...and wish it would have as you have been waiting just as long! I hope tomorrow will bring the news of TA!!! least the next wait you'll have to endure is on hold waiting for the airline to confirm tickets...or standing in line at the airport...

One thing for sure, is that it won't last forever, and everyday is a step closer to Gavin!!

Kathy said...

Hang in there too. You are entering a battle and satan does not want these orphans to come home. God will be glorified and Gavin will come home soon.

TanyaLea said...

Well, I know we're covering eachother in prayer over this. And I think you're probably right...chances are we likely WILL meet in GZ! That part, I'm happy's the waiting that gets so hard. It's like being overdue and wanting to be INDUCED already! ;)

Hang in there!!


Gail said...

Hoping it arrives very soon!

You are in my prayers, he'll be with you very soon. :)

Janice said...

Bummer - sorry babe! Focus on those other 3 cuties right now - maybe just concentrate on making some really fun memories with them the next few weeks!! Once Gavin arrives home they'll have to take a back seat, for lack of a better term, for a few weeks, so this could be their exchange program! Love ya!!