Thursday, October 29, 2009

Stuck in my head.

You know when you have a song stuck in your head and it's there so long pretty soon you begin to have a head ach from it and then you go to bed that night and there it is again. You just long for the quiteness of your own thoughts and all you keep thinking about is that song over and over again. I have a back up song for just such a time. This way I can devert my mind to something else. That song for me is "I'm a little tea pot" (only a mommy would have this as a back up song).
Well...lately I have had a bible verse stuck in my head and I think it's God's way of telling me to listen because He's the Father and I'm the child. Like when I'm trying to tell my kids "I'm telling you this for your own good". I don't think I even have the whole verse, but that doesn't seem to matter. I'm not even sure of the reference it is found, but again that doesn't seem to matter. The point is I know it's in the bible and  I need to listen to the words.
The verse... Lean not on your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your path straight.
You see this past week I have been having a hard time with this waiting game we are playing. I had been told a few week ago that because we did not have a LID we could just assume that it was two week after our DTC date. So all this time we were thinking Sept 14th or so. It was the or so. We did get our LID and we were two weeks off. I just don't understand why it took us a month to get logged in with the Chinese government when for so many it only takes two weeks. I am aware that it's no one's fault. I JUST WANT TO KNOW WHY! And this would be the point in time when this little verse got lodged in my head. Now I am trying to practice what I preach and listen to the bible verse in my head.  
So there you have it. If you should happen to run into me at the grocery store today and I'm singing "I'm a little tea pot" under my breath just know I've had this verse stuck in my head for a while now. Or just know that I have lost my mind, because both are true. ;)


Kathy said...

Thank you for sharing the verse. I needed it today too. It has been hard waiting for me too.

Jolene Powell said...

Hang in there. I'm sorry to use that phrase because I heard it a lot while I waited, but it is so true. I can only speak from experience when I say that God is lining things up. His timeline is not our timeline, and I know this after waiting 11 months for Ty. You will be given many verses throughout this journey. I encourage you to write them down because someday, you will look back and see all the ways God revealed Himself to you during this wait. The day we went to sign our LOA I got Ephesians 1:4-6. Look it up, it will keep you going! In the meantime, I hope that song goes away!

Gail said...

Waiting for my 2 youngest has been one of the hardest things I've ever done.


Lemonade Makin' Mama said...

Hey ya!

I repeat this verse constantly because I'm always asking WHY? I was doing it just an hour ago. I just don't get it LORD!

Okay... your precious comments that I'm just getting back to!! (Me, the slacker/busy person) That was my man you saw the other day at Freddy's. He does all my dirty work since I'm stuck at home... lol

And the comment you left today about my wedding photo post... you sweet girl! Can you believe we were 90's brides?? EEK! Time flies.

hang in there girl,

BrOwN CiRcUs said...

Thanks for checking in on us...I loved your fortune...I think we will both be in for some work :) But what wonderful work it will be!

Janice said...

Proverbs 3:5&6 I'm so glad that God doesn't always allow me to have what I want when I want it!

Jan Kok said...

That is so funny Marla! As long as you aren't standing in the aisle of the grocery store doing the motions to the tea pot song as well =) Then people WILL think you are going bonkers....